Bishop of the Episcopal Church Diocese of Kajo-Keji, Emmanuel Murye [File Photo]

Anglican bishop of Kajo-Keji dies in Nairobi

The Bishop of the Episcopal Church Diocese of Kajo-Keji, Emmanuel Murye Modi is dead. He was flown to Nairobi, Kenya on Tuesday night and admitted to the Nairobi Hospital where he breathed his last.

The Bishop of the Episcopal Church Diocese of Kajo-Keji, Emmanuel Murye Modi is dead. 

Bishop Murye was flown to Nairobi on Tuesday night and admitted to the Nairobi Hospital in Kenya where he breathed his last.

The Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of Central Equatoria Internal Province, Dr. Paul Yugusuk made the announcement on Wednesday morning.

“I Dr. Paul Pitia Yugusuk, the Archbishop of Central Equatoria Internal Province, and on behalf of the entire bishops and congregations, I would like to inform His Grace Dr. Justin Badi Arama, the Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Episcopal Diocese of Kajokeji and the Kuku community that this morning at Nairobi Hospital at 5 am, Bishop Emmanuel Murye Modi has gone due to heart attack. May his soul rest in peace,” he said.

On Monday, Archbishop Yugusuk told Radio Tamazuj that he arrived in Kajo-Keji that morning for a reconciliation meeting and was received by the late, who collapsed soon after they arrived at his home. 

He suspected the late suffered a stroke after he complained of severe pains in his head and heart and was evacuated to Juba for further treatment. 

Bishop Emmanuel Murye has been leading the Kajo-Keji diocese in Central Equatoria State since 2018.

Kajo-Keji County has been affected by the conflict since 2016.