AMDISS, journalists, and government officials have taken a group photo at Aweil Grand Hotel on 16th March 2023. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

AMDISS trains scribes on GBV, conflict-sensitive reporting in Aweil

The Association for Media Development in South Sudan (AMDISS) this week trained a group of journalists on media laws, reporting on gender-based violence and conflict in Aweil town.

The Association for Media Development in South Sudan (AMDISS) this week trained a group of journalists on media laws, reporting on gender-based violence and conflict in Aweil town. 

About 20 journalists from Western Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap, and Northern Bahr el Ghazal states attended the training which concluded on Thursday.

Kuajok Radio reporter, Amin Marol Atem, said the training was fruitful to her. 

“I benefited a lot because I have understood the law that protects me as a journalist which is freedom of media and press and I have also understood how to deal with traumatized persons and victims of rape, killing, and much more,” said Marol.

A Western Bahr el Ghazal-based journalist, Marko Nyoro, said he understood the media laws better and would use them o better his work.

“What I have understood was the media laws because sometimes we are supposed to follow the procedures of our laws so that we do not allow the community to look at us as betrayers,” he said. “We have also learned how to build a strong relationship with the government so that we will not involve ourselves in problems.” 

For his part, the Executive Director of the AMDISS, Michael Duku, said: “I am happy indeed that we have carried out an intensive training which encompassed conflict-sensitive reporting, gender-based violence, media laws, and trauma healing topics and we see these are crucial topics in the last three days of our engagement.”