Internally Displaced Persons in South Sudan. (File photo)

Amadi returnees appeal for humanitarian assistance

More than forty-two households who have since March been voluntarily returning to their homes in Kulundu Boma, Amadi Payam in Mundri West County of Western Equatoria State have appealed for humanitarian assistance.

More than forty-two households who have since March been voluntarily returning to their homes in Kulundu Boma, Amadi Payam in Mundri West County of Western Equatoria State have appealed for humanitarian assistance.

The returnees were displaced by conflict and ensuing fighting in their homes in 2015 and took refuge in the neighboring areas of Amad and Lakamadi.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuji on Monday, the community leader in Kulundu Boma, Hassan Juma, appealed to the government and well-wishers to support his community with food, medicine, and other necessities.

“I am sending my message as the leader for the people of Kulundu. The people have come but there is no assistance that has reached us,” he said. “We do not have drugs for our children who are suffering from diarrhea, and headaches. Our second appeal is for food as there is not enough rain this year. We call on the government to get send us some support.”

Meanwhile, Mary Madragygyi, the Amadi Payam Administrator, also called on the humanitarian partners to come to the rescue of the returnees with shelter and medical services.

“There are forty-two households here and many of them are staying in the open and are in need of shelter. If there is any emergency help any organization can provide, let them come to these people who have returned here to their homes in my Boma of Kulundu,” she said.

The women leader in the area, Idia Amozai, said the returnees face myriad problems and called for support for the women and children.

“We have different problems. The first thing is that we do not have water. Second, we are under trees and there is no food,” she lamented. “We are sleeping with children under trees and are exposed to rain. Our cry is that let those who can help come to our rescue.”

Efforts to reach the Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner in Mundri West County were futile.