Sudan Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan greets a cadet on Red Sea State in Wednesday. (Credit: SWM)

Al-Burhan: Assassination attempt will not deter our forces from advancing

Following the attempted assassination in Jabeit town, Sudan Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan affirmed that the act of violence would neither deter him nor his forces from advancing, defeating the enemy, and liberating every inch of Susan

Al-Burhan narrowly escaped an assassination attempt while attending a graduation ceremony for officers at the Military College in the Jabeit military zone, located near Port Sudan, the new administrative capital of Sudan, on Wednesday morning.

In a press release obtained by Radio Tamazuj, Sudan’s de facto leader stated that the country is facing a significant conspiracy aimed at destabilizing and dividing the nation. He however said he is determined, in cooperation with his forces and the “honorable citizens of the country, to continue advancing and thwart these malicious plans.”

“To the Sudanese people, rest assured that I will fight until the last drop of my blood to restore our beloved homeland. I have donned the military uniform and emerged to fight for you,” Al Burhan vowed. “I will not hesitate to engage in any battle on your behalf. I will stand alongside the heroes of our armed forces until we achieve victory and restore security and stability.”

The military ruler emphasized that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which he referred to as “the enemy,” continue to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity by occupying civilian homes, displacing residents, laying siege to several cities including Al-Fasher, killing innocent civilians, and destroying infrastructure.

In a related development, Al-Basha Tibeeg, the advisor to the RSF commander, tweeted on X accusing the Al-Bara’a bin Malik Brigade of attempting to assassinate al-Burhan in Jabeit and said he anticipates a rise in assassination attempts within the army’s ranks.