The Governor of Aweil East State Deng Deng Akuei has promised to be provide fuel to Akuem hospital following his visit to the hospital on Monday last week, according to the state spokesman.
Aweil East State Minister of Information Ayuel Yai Deng said that the governor has visited Malualkon, Wanyjok and Akuem main hospitals just to acquaint himself with some of the problems facing the health workers amid rise of malaria cases.
“The medical personnel have explained challenges facing them and we went to every department like OPT and generator room in Akuem and we actually found there are many problems including lack of fuel to run a generator.”
“So the governor promised to provide fuel after every one week. They also don’t have enough wards, beds and mattresses for admissions and shortage of drugs they are facing lack of equipment,” Ayuel stated.
Last month, the community of Majok Yithiou Municipality raised the same problems and appealed to the governor to find solutions.
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