Agricultural Bank starts financing Renk farmers

The Agricultural Bank in Renk County in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State has begun financing this year’s agricultural season amidst heavy criticism from the Renk County Farmers Union.

Santino Deng Dhiu, the Director of the Renk Branch of the Agricultural Bank, explained in a statement to Radio Tamazuj on Saturday that the bank started by financing 48 farmers out of 246 in Renk this year as the first phase and work is underway to implement the second phase of financing.

The official acknowledged the delay in the financing, which was scheduled to begin on 1 June, noting that the amounts allocated to finance the agricultural season in Renk County were reduced for the bank’s excellent clients.

“Financing the agricultural season is being done through the bank’s resources, amounting to SSP 260 million.

“The bank has not received any financing from the state,” he stated.

Deng pledged to finance the agricultural stages as resources become available, saying it was too early to say the season has failed.

Meanwhile, Nyok Deng Ayiik, the chairman of the Renk County Farmers Union, strongly criticized the financing policy of the Agricultural Bank, holding the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Bank and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the failure of the agricultural season in Renk County.

“Financing for the agricultural season cannot come in July and with amounts that are not enough to cultivate one hundred thousand acres,” he said.

According to Ayiik, the plan set for agriculture this year targets about 3, 350, 000 acres. He considered that what the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Bank are doing is dismal for the farmers.

“If the responsible authorities want to support agriculture, there is enough time to increase financing for the agricultural season,” he asserted.

Earlier last week, Upper Nile State Deputy Governor Deng Joh Angok said the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Bank is responsible for the failure of the agricultural season in the state.