Adila citizens unhappy about new East Darfur governor

Many Sudanese citizens living in Adila and Abu Karinka in East Darfur state rejected newly appointed governor Anas Mansur, saying he will fail to bring stability after recent clashes between Ma’alia and Rizeigat tribes killed dozens.

Many Sudanese citizens living in Adila and Abu Karinka in East Darfur state rejected newly appointed governor Anas Mansur, saying he will fail to bring stability after recent clashes between Ma’alia and Rizeigat tribes killed dozens.

In interviews conducted by Radio Tamazuj, several citizens of diverse backgrounds said the appointment of the governor will fail since he is not from the state.

They attributed the problem to excessive powers given to the native administration based in Ad Daein town. The appointment of governors without any support from the presidency will not bring peace, according to the citizens.

Other respondents predicted the new governor may complicate the security situation further and does not represent change from past leaders.