Ad Daein town to host peace meeting between feuding Misseriya clans

Leaders of the feuding Awlad Omran and Al-Zeyoud clans of the Misseriya tribe in Sudan’s West Kordofan state agreed Wednesday to hold a peace and reconciliation conference in Ad Daein town in East Darfur, the head of a peace committee announced.

Leaders of the feuding Awlad Omran and Al-Zeyoud clans of the Misseriya tribe in Sudan’s West Kordofan state agreed Wednesday to hold a peace and reconciliation conference in Ad Daein town in East Darfur, the head of a peace committee announced.

Rizeigat nazir Mahmud Musa Madibo said the two sides have not yet set a date for the meeting. He appealed to the clans to remain calm until the conference convenes.

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