Abyei: Athiang Deng elected women leader in Ameth Aguok

The Abyei Women Association in Ameth Aguok County elected Athiang Deng Akot as their leader on Monday. Athiang was initially contesting with Abuk Ayuel, who eventually withdrew and gave her votes to Athiang, leading to Athiang’s unopposed election.

Awuor Anyiel, the women’s union leader in the Abyei Special Administrative Area, stated that the organization of women in three counties, including Ameth Aguok, is complete. The remaining county, Rumamer, will hold its election this Saturday.

“We, the women’s union of Abyei area, started elections in June. We organized women in Alal, Mijak, and Ameth Aguok counties. On Monday, the women in Ameth Aguok formed their executive office, which comprises 11 members, including the chairlady, and 17 councillors,” Anyiel explained.

She described the election as fair and credible. “The election was credible and fair, with opportunities for nominations and secondments. The electoral committee consisted of five members. Athiang Deng Akot and Abuk Ayuel were both nominated for the chairlady position,” Anyiel added.

Abyei Chairlady Awuor elaborated, “When the opportunity for withdrawal arose, Abuk Ayuel withdrew her candidacy, resulting in Athiang winning the election unopposed. This occurred on Monday. The next step is to organize the women in Rumamer County to complete the county elections.”

Chairlady Awuor emphasized the importance of organizing women, stating that it enables them to address societal issues affecting women, such as gender-based violence, child misbehaviour, and early child marriage.

Athiang Deng Akot, the newly elected women’s leader for Ameth Aguok County in the Abyei administrative area, expressed her commitment to creating micro-economic activities to improve the living conditions of women and their families.

“I was elected yesterday, Monday. The election was good, credible, and fair. A total of 314 voters supported me since I was unopposed, and we were two candidates initially contesting for the position,” Athiang said.

Athiang Deng Akot, newly elected women’s leader for Ameth Aguok County, pledged to work diligently to establish a women’s office and improve the living conditions of women in the county.

“My plans are many. First, I will establish a women’s office in the county. Currently, I am accommodated by the county commissioner. I will formulate a constitution to guide women, and this will be achieved with the help of the county commissioner and the women themselves. We will accomplish all these tasks together,” Athiang stated.

She continued, “I will create small-scale businesses for women to provide them with income, such as vegetable gardens, selling local goods in the markets, and tailoring.”

Athiang called upon organizations and well-wishers to support women by providing small-scale projects to engage them in livelihood activities, aiming to alleviate poverty in the county. She urged all women in Ameth Aguok County to unite and forgive each other over any election grievances.

In her turn, Abuk Ayuel, the former contestant, congratulated Athiang on her victory, expressing confidence in her ability to lead and unite the women of Ameth Aguok County.

“I didn’t really need the position. Yes, the position is for Dungop Payam, which is where both of us come from, and the secretary general position is for Mayen Koor Payam. The controversial position was finance secretary, which took us hours to resolve until 10 o’clock at night. I was nominated by a woman from Mayen Koor Payam and seconded by a woman from my Payam. I waited for the opportunity to withdraw, and indeed I withdrew my candidacy,” Abuk explained.

Abuk expressed confidence in Athiang’s capability to deliver services to the women in the county and appreciated those who attended and supported her. She also commended the women of Ameth Aguok for easily forgiving each other when issues arise.