Abyei: 2,391 households displaced by attacks need assistance

About 2,391 households displaced by recent attacks on the disputed Abyei area are in dire need of humanitarian assistance, a local official said.

About 2,391 households displaced by recent attacks on the disputed Abyei area are in dire need of humanitarian assistance, a local official said.

Last week, armed men believed to be from the Sudanese Misseriya community attacked some villages of Dinka Ngok including the Amiet market, leaving more than 40 people dead and 26 others injured.

Santino Deng, Head of the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Abyei, told Radio Tamazuj Tuesday last week’s attacks have displaced about 2,391 households.

The families were displaced from four different villages including Kolom, Amiet, Noong and Dokura, according to the relief official.

 “Amiet alone has 1,716 households equivalent to 8580 individuals, Noong has 225 displaced households which is equivalent to 1,125 persons, Dokura has 199 households with 995 individuals and Kolom has 250 households with 1,250 individuals,” Deng explained.

Deng further said the IDPs are expected to receive support next week.

“We discussed with partners the issue of water, food, medicines and sanitation because we are approaching the rainy season,” Deng said.

Meanwhile, an update provided by Area Security Adviser, Keilek Kon shows that the 26 people wounded during the attack are now recovering.

Mr. Keilek also said the security situation is now calm.

“The 26 people who were wounded in the recent Misseriya attack are all fine in the hospital and the security situation is stable between Abyei, Ruweng, Unity state, Twic and Sudan,” he said.

Abyei area has continued to experience endless violence between communities there and the Misseriya herdsmen despite efforts by the two governments of Sudan and South Sudan to resolve the matter.

Last month, the United States advised UNISFA peacekeepers to use all necessary means, which includes the use of force when required, to protect civilians under threat of physical violence in Abyei.

UNISFA has a mandate to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence, to protect the area from incursions by unauthorized elements, and ensure security.