Abiem East sultan appoints new advisors after challenge from Malong ally

Sultan Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol has sought to consolidate his community leadership position in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State’s Aweil East County by assembling a new advisory board, several weeks after claiming victory in a community election.

Sultan Abdel Bagi Ayii Akol has sought to consolidate his community leadership position in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State’s Aweil East County by assembling a new advisory board, several weeks after claiming victory in a community election.

Abel Bagi, a former presidential advisor, faced counter-claims last month from Manut Yel Lual, an official tied to SPLA Chief of Staff General Paul Malong, that he was the “right winner” of the election and that Abdel Bagi should agree to face him in a re-election in order to settle the dispute.

Manut told Gurtong news in February, “I challenge him to come forward and declare to the public his interest of re-election for this post, otherwise I condemn his media campaign for calling himself the legitimate leader of greater Abiem East.”

In the face of this challenge, Abdel Bagi has assembled a seven member advisory team including some high-profile community and national figures such as business tycoon Garang Deng Aguer. Other members are Colonel Aluk Deng, Athian Athian Kuot, Sultan Yel Aguer Geng, Lual Lual Yor, Akec Mawien Bol and Athieng Koor Ayum.

The stated objective of the board is to promote unity and solidarity among community members while cultivating coexistence with other neigbouring communities, according to its resolutions and draft constitution.

Other objectives include acting as a unifying voice for the community to raise and solicit support, including assistance for development, and to advise on settlement of local disputes using traditional approaches and peaceful and persuasive negotiation.

Sultan Abdel Bagi appears not to have openly taken sides in the ongoing political wrangle between the ousted caretaker governor Kuel Aguer and General Malong. Though his challenger Manut Yel is tied to Malong, many of his own supporters are also business or political allies of Malong.

The election on 30 January came after the death of community leader General Alfred Deng Aluk in 2013.

Photo: Ajak community attending a conference in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state on 12 March 2012


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