Abducted boy reunites with father after 7 years

A boy who was abducted by Murle armed youth in 2018 in Akobo, Jonglei State seven years ago has been reunited with his family.

Jiokthiang Tut Chany returned to his father’s embrace after a harrowing seven-year separation.

Chany, along with 10 other boys, was abducted from Wanding Village while fishing.

Akobo County Commissioner Puok Nyang Tutjiek, told Radio Tamazuj that seven boys managed to escape, but Chany and two others were taken by the Murle.

“They came by themselves, two boys returned in the first week of June, two more in the third week of June, and finally, Jiokthiang returned yesterday,” Puok said.

He said the return of the boys has been gradual, marking the end of a prolonged period of separation and uncertainty for their families.

Tutjiek further explained that Chany was accompanied by other boys from the Murle community who had become disillusioned with the treatment they received under their guardians. This led to Chany’s return to Akobo, seeking refuge and a path back to his family.

Reports indicated that Chany faced difficulties during his captivity, prompting his eventual return. The boy who had been looking after Chany in the Murle community has now been taken into the care of the Akobo authorities and will be returned to the Pibor Administrative Area.

The reunion between Chany and his father marks a poignant moment in a region often beset by inter-communal conflict and abductions.