A 50-year-old woman drowns in a well in Cueibet County

The police in Lakes State’s Cueibet County have confirmed that a 50-year-old woman slipped into a well and died in Malou-pech village on Monday.

Lakes State Police Spokesperson Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac told Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday that the deceased who was under the influence of alcohol was on her way from a neighbor’s house to her home but lost her way and fell into the well.

“What happened on Monday evening is that an elderly woman who was said to be drunk fell into a well. We found that she had sprained her neck which we suspect led to her death,” he stated. “When the body was removed from the well, the police found that the deceased had twisted.”

Maj. Mabor, blamed the family of the deceased for not taking care of their elders, especially when they drunk.

“I must say that it is the work of the young people, be it her children or her relatives, to ensure that our elders are taken care of. It was not good to let her move alone in the evening while drunk,” he admonished. “It was the responsibility of the people around her to make sure she reached her house safely and she would not have lost her life.”