9 dead in fresh Duk attack

Photo: A scene of Duk Padiet, Jonglei, after an attack in January 2012 (Marilena Chatziantoniou/ECHO)

At least 9 people were killed and 16 others injured in a fresh attack on a cattle camp in Jonglei State’s Duk County on Thursday, authorities have said.

At least 9 people were killed and 16 others injured in a fresh attack on a cattle camp in Jonglei State’s Duk County on Thursday, authorities have said.

Four people have also reportedly gone went missing following the bloody attack

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj Friday morning, Peter Latjor Chuol, the County commissioner, said about 7,000 head of cattle were also raided in the attack adding that fighting was still going on.

“Two cattle camps in Poktap town came under attack on Thursday at 3:00pm. As of early this morning, gunshots could still be heard at the outskirts of Kadiang as our youth are still fighting off the attackers to recover the stolen animals,” Latjor said.

He said armed youths suspected to have come from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) were involved the attack. Latjor cautioned that the death toll could rise as the fighting rages on.

Elizabeth Nyadak John Jok, State Information Minister also confirmed the attack. She blamed the attack on armed Pibor youth whom she said had mobilized to attack since last December. However, Radio Tamazuj could not independently verify the claims.

Efforts to speak to GPAA Information Minister, Abraham Kelang remained futile as calls went unanswered.

Local communities of Jonglei State and the GPAA have for years been wrangling, leading to cattle raid and child abduction.

Several attempts have been made to pacify the rival groups to abandon the attacks especially the cattle raids but all have ended in deaf ears. 

The latest attack on Duk came barely weeks after the GPAA authorities said they had prevailed against the Murle youth against mobilizing to attack their neighbors.

Jonglei State officials have in the past blamed Pibor youth for mobilizing to attack Duk County.

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