88 S Sudan schools occupied by soldiers and displaced people

88 schools in South Sudan are occupied by soldiers or displaced people, the UN’s humanitarian arm said in its weekly situation report.

88 schools in South Sudan are occupied by soldiers or displaced people, the UN’s humanitarian arm said in its weekly situation report.

35 schools are occupied by armed groups and 48 by internally displaced people, while 2 are occupied by both, the UN’s Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a bulletin linked below for download.

OCHA said that in parts of the coutnry teachers are not showing up for duties because they are not receiving salaries. The agency added that poor roads and lack of funds have constrained ability to deliver school supplies to parts of the three conflict-affected states.

Since the beginning of the conflict, the Juba government stopped paying salaries to teachers in rebel-held areas.

Meanwhile, OCHA said that four new educational centers were built in the UN Bentiu protection camp, where some 47,000 people are seeking shelter from racial or ethnic violence.

In Juba protection camps, humanitarians provided paper to 250 primary school students without financial means so they could sit their examinations.

File photo: A primary school at Yida refugee camp