783 malnutrition cases in Leer, Unity State

At least 783 children have been affected by malnutrition over the last two months in Leer County, Unity state, according to aid workers in the area.

At least 783 children have been affected by malnutrition over the last two months in Leer County, Unity state, according to aid workers in the area.

Humanitarian agency Medair said they have admitted 783 children to therepeutic feeding programs in Leer County since 17 February. 60 children have been cured so far, while the severely malnourished children have been referred to an MSF hospital in Leer.

People have had to cross swamps and rivers to reach feeding clinics, where children receive peanut-based food supplements called Plumpy’Nut and Plumpy’Sup, the organization said.

Medair attributed the malnutrition to lack of food in the markets and absence of nutritious food, among other factors.

Medair’s nutrition project manager Nadine Eriksson noted that they have worked with local communities to build seven nutrition clinics in the last two months in the Leer area to address the food shortage.

“The community greatly participated in this project and built the clinics themselves,” Eriksson said.

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