7 dead from suspected food poisoning in Uror County

At least seven people have succumbed to what is believed to be contaminated food in Jonglei State’s Uror County, according to a local health official.

At least seven people have succumbed to what is believed to be contaminated food in Jonglei State’s Uror County, according to a local health official.

Badeng Koang Gatwech, the Uror County Health Director, confirmed the death of four people on Friday while two more passed away later at a local health facility on Sunday.

“It was suspected food poisoning that happened in Chujo Village in Palony Boma near Yuai headquarters,” he said. “It happened on 17 May at a home where a family realized that they had come across food poisoning.”

Badeng said health authorities have collected food samples for comprehensive laboratory testing which will be done in Juba.

“We need the Ministry of Health and its partners to come and investigate what is happening in this area,” Koang stated. “If it is something moving around, the health ministry should take action and if it is a hygiene problem, then it needs to be addressed because some of the community members do not practice good hygiene.”

As they await test results, the health official issued a public warning about the risks associated with poor food hygiene. He urged the community to embrace stringent hygiene practices to avert such deaths.

The latest incident follows closely on the heels of a similar tragedy last week in Akobo County where four children died and seven others were hospitalized due to suspected food poisoning.