60-year-old man commits suicide at Aweil police facility

Police in Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal State on Thursday confirmed that a sixty-year-old man called Mou Anyar Kuol committed suicide at the former police hospital which is currently Aweil town police base.

Police in Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal State on Thursday confirmed that a sixty-year-old man called Mou Anyar Kuol committed suicide at the former police hospital which is currently Aweil town police base.

According to the police, Anyar was suffering from depression and had been earlier jailed at Aweil Central Prison for wounding another man with a spear. 

The deceased was released by prison authorities who handed him over to his family so that they could take him for treatment. He was admitted to a hospital in Aweil town but he escaped before completing medication.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Thursday, Guot Guot Akol, the Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal State police spokesman confirmed that the mentally disturbed man committed suicide by hanging himself at the deserted police health facility. 

“Today (Thursday) around 2 pm, someone committed suicide at a police health building and his name is Anyar Kuol about 60-year-old. And according to the information we have, he was having a mental disorder, he was imprisoned but was released due to mental disorders to find treatment,’’ said Guot.

Akol said there are no suspects arrested so far and the police are carrying out thorough investigations to find more out on the incident. 

Anoon Gai Ajou, a woman who lives near the site, said she just heard the news from children who informed her about the suicide.

“I was sleeping inside and the children came and informed me that there was a man who had committed suicide. I came out despite being sick to see what happened and I saw a man was collected from this building and taken away. These are old government premises and there are no duties taking place in them,’’ said Ajou.

Geng Anoon, one of the children who found the deceased hanging said, “We were going to graze animals with other small children and we found he had hanged himself. The rope was between his neck and an iron pole.’’