5 chiefs ordered to comply with Twic East peace agreement

Twic East authorities on Saturday met to review a peace agreement made last year between the Dachuek and Ayuel clans in the county.

Twic East authorities on Saturday met to review a peace agreement made last year between the Dachuek and Ayuel clans in the county.

Twic East Commissioner Dau Akoi Jurkuch said they have revised the principles of the agreement which ended a two-year conflict that killed 29 people. The dispute was over the ownership of Toch area and the location of the Payam headquarters.

Dau said five chiefs have so far failed to pay their blood compensation. These chiefs were ordered to pay within one week after which the groups will come together for a celebration.

The two clans struck the peace deal in 2014 after mediation from the county authorities and churches. Besides the deaths, the conflict disrupted schooling and broke down relations between the two communities’ members in the diaspora.