48 listed for Juba empowerment training

The national Grassroots Women Network on Friday registered 48 people to benefit from activities such as training on peace building and conflict resolution, human rights advocacy and economic employment and sexual gender-based violence.  

The beneficiaries, mainly persons with disabilities, were brought from various areas in Juba.

Speaking to the media, organization Executive Director Sunday Mogga said those selected would be trained in groups.

Mogga said the aim is to empower and foster rights of women and girls and other marginalized groups through awareness on gender and human rights.

She said her organization was targeting about 100 people to be empowered in the areas selected.

The total number today is 48 as some did not turn up for various reasons, especially now that the economic situation is tough, she said, adding that her organization was looking at accommodating 30 people per each group.

“We’re going to continue engaging and grouping them (the people) and we shall start with awareness raising on their rights,” she said.

Sunday further explained the people would first be offered psychosocial support then the economic empowerment and then start-up capital will be given for them to set a small-scale business.

“We need to give them psychosocial support and also train them first, give them awareness on the rights of persons with disability,” she stressed.

Y-Global representative Arop Matthew Daniel said the project donors said the program would ensure that there was inclusion and the persons with disability are supported.

“I am here to attend an event that is to group the peacemakers into the savings and investment groups. We are working under the project that is for inclusion to ensure that persons with disabilities know and they can claim their rights.

“We are supporting persons with disabilities in three thematic areas. That is human rights advocacy, inclusive economic empowerment and inclusive education. Today’s event is based on inclusive economic empowerment,” he said.