4 killed by flooding in Gogrial West, Warrap State

At least four people including a child have died in flooding and over 20 houses collapsed in Gogrial West County in Warrap State, according to the local government.

At least four people including a child have died in flooding and over 20 houses collapsed in Gogrial West County in Warrap State, according to the local government.

Makuc Aru, Gogrial Commissioner, told Radio Tamazuj that the flood affected five payams including Kuach South, Kuach North, Gogrial, Akon South, Akon North and parts of Riau Payam.

According to a report by the Kuach South Assistant Commissioner, over 20 houses were collapsed in the payam and the road connecting Kuach South to Kuach North was full of water.

Meanwhile, in Akon South over 18 houses collapsed, causing some displacement of local residents.

Aru said one person was reported yesterday from Kuach south payam to have died and a child of six years old died at Akon South payam while on Friday one person was also reported dead at Gogrial Payam. This brings the total number of flood victims to four.

The flooding has come just after the harvest in the county. Commissioner Aru said the floodwaters came from two sides, from the Jur River affecting Kuach South, Kuach North and Gogrial payams, and from the Naar Alol River, affecting the two payams of Akon south and north plus part of Alek West and Riau Payam.

He added that the flood caused some displacements from Kuach North to higher ground such as the market and school. He said the displaced are being taken care of by a medical team from the state ministry of health who have already arrived to the area with medicines.

Until now no humanitarian agencies have arrived to help the displaced people but the NGOs in the area are aware of displacements, he said.