33 health centers receive drugs in Aweil West

The Director of Health in Aweil West County says 33 health centers which were lacking drugs have been supplied with medicine.

The Director of Health in Aweil West County says 33 health centers which were lacking drugs have been supplied with medicine.

A local radio station quoting official in the area said that “all health facilities in the county faced a shortage of drugs for the last 6 months.” The director says that the arrival of drugs will improve the situation as patients will be able to receive medicine.

Andrew Wieu Kuac, the Director of Health in Aweil West County said, “The last time we have received drugs from the national ministry in Juba was on June 2015 that was the last time till we receives the drugs on Monday, so the shortage of drugs started on October, November till we received drugs again on Monday.”

“It was really not good for us to send patient to the clinic but to lack of drugs last time,” he said. The official says the drugs were donated by the national ministry of health in Juba and were supplied to health facilities from Monday.