24 companies named in $3 million Aweil foodstuffs case

The Northern Bahr al Ghazal State government has identified 24 companies that it says were given letters of credit totaling 3 million dollars for import of food to the state. They are accused of failing to deliver the food on time amid food shortage in the state.

The Northern Bahr al Ghazal State government has identified 24 companies that it says were given letters of credit totaling 3 million dollars for import of food to the state. They are accused of failing to deliver the food on time amid food shortage in the state.

Members of the Northern Bahr al Ghazal Legislative Assembly have blamed ousted caretaker governor Kuel Aguer for issuing letters of credit to the private companies to import food items to the state.

Speaking on Monday, the Chairman of the Information Committee in the State Assembly Achak Thiep Thiep alleged that the money was given to individuals and relatives, calling the companies ‘ghost companies’ and not real ones.

“Three million US dollars were given to individual companies to bring or to purchase the foodstuffs or food commodities in Northern Bahr al Ghazal since November up to date. Actually today Assembly has received the list of the companies which went to buy the commodities for Northern Bahr al Ghazal. We have about 24 companies and this was signed by Honorable Minister of Trade and Industry, Northern Bahr al Ghazal,” said Achak.

He identified the companies as follows, with the amount of the letter of credit issued to each:

Lil Wudom Trading Company Limited ($100,000)

Nyoric Dit Company Limited ($100,000)

Grate Way company limited ($100,000)

PMCO ltd Co ($100,000)

Mama Mhret company ($100,000)

Alexander General Trading co.ltd ($100,000)

Mareng Investment co.ltd ($100,000)

Delit Company limited ($100,000)

Petrogym petroleum and Logistics company ($100,000)

Lol General trading Company ($100,000)

Mery General Trading Co.ltd ($100,000)

Small South Sudan for investment Co.ltd ($100,000)

Remko for Development company ltd ($100,000)

Ghazal Development company ltd ($100,000)

Mayoldit Trading and Investment Co.ltd ($100,000)

Manyieldit Group for Investment co.ltd ($100,000)

Kiera for investment and General Trading co.ltd ($100,000)

Red Arrow Limited ($100,000)

All Queens Investment Co.ltd ($100,000)

Bahr Mayem Trading & investment co. Ltd ($100,000)

Heven for Trading Ltd ($100,000)

Kiddi Works Co.ltd ($300,000)

Brideru Fright and Logistics co. Ltd ($300,000)

Golden Times Co. Ltd ($300,000)

The Assembly official said that these companies should bring food items soon to rescue the citizens from hunger. If these companies are not to be found, the former governor and trade minister Kenyang Yai Yai could face embezzlement charges, according to the politician.