21 inmates released from Wau Central Prison

The administration of Wau Central Prison in Western Bahr el Ghazal State earlier in the year released at least 21 inmates who were arrested for petty crimes and ordered by courts to pay fines.

The administration of Wau Central Prison in Western Bahr el Ghazal State earlier in the year released at least 21 inmates who were arrested for petty crimes and ordered by courts to pay fines.

Their release was initiated by the SPLM party at the state level which raised money to pay for their freedom.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj during the release ceremony, Maj. Gen. Atok Atem Barac, the director of prisons in the state, acknowledged the role of the SPLM party in reuniting the inmates with their families and urged people of goodwill to follow the example so that other petty criminals are released

“The SPLM party made efforts that we should register people fined for petty crimes to go and celebrate the new year with their relatives. 21 individuals including women and young boys, and I saw a boy of 11 years, are among those released,” he said. “Their names were read out, the money (fines) was paid in the court and it was a great joy. The crowd in the prison reduced by 21 individuals and we are requesting other people of goodwill, even other parties, traders to emulate this because the prison is congested and has more than 800 inmates.”

Last year, South Sudanese tycoon Makiir Gai Thiep paid for the release of 60 individuals charged with minor crimes.

Gen. Atem clarified that were released were convicted of petty crimes and were fined by the court SSP 30,000 and were sentenced to 6 months to one-year prison terms. He said living conditions, including health and feeding, have improved at the prison since it was recently supplied with food.

Gen. Atem also revealed that his administration is constructing a new prison in Nyiankok in Jur River County and also transferring some of the inmates to Raja County to reduce overcrowding.