Tonj South: 2 shot dead while executing court order

Two people were killed on Saturday during the execution of a court order in Manyangok Payam, Tonj South County of South Sudan’s Warrap state.

Two people were killed on Saturday during the execution of a court order in Manyangok Payam, Tonj South County of South Sudan’s Warrap state.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Monday, Warrap State Information Minister William Wol Mayom said the accused, 37-year-old Magar Makuac, ordered by the court to pay bride price to his in-laws, shot and killed 39-year-old John Ater, a policeman.

Wol said another policeman immediately shot at Makuac, killing him on the spot. 

The late policeman and his colleagues were ordered by the court to receive the bride price in form of cattle and after the final verdict, take them to Makuac’s in-laws. 

But minister Wol said: “The owner of the cows did not accept to allow the cows to be taken by the police. In the process, he first shot the community police and it was retaliated by the police colleagues who accompanied the one who was shot.” 

He said the situation there remains calm as the security handles the matter.