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WAU - 29 Jan 2016

2 killed, tens of houses burned in SPLA attacks in Wau

Two people were killed including an old man and a girl in SPLA attacks in villages around Wau town of Western Bahr el Ghazal State, while tens of houses were burned, according to local sources.

Many citizens who spoke to Radio Tamazuj said SPLA troops attacked Momay village killing an old man and a girl. One citizen said the attack resulted in the destruction of around 82 house and properties, which forced civilians to flee.

“They are killing civilians and burning houses,” another citizen said. They confirmed insecurity in Farajalla, Busari and other parts of Wau county. The citizens blamed the state government for allowing the SPLA attacks in the area.


Wau SPLM leader calls on SPLA to withdraw from town's suburbs (15 Jan.)

Over 2,000 citizens displaced by SPLA attacks near Wau (8 Jan.)

SPLA accused of killing and burning homes near Wau (7 Jan.)