14-year-old girl hangs herself in Yirol East County

Authorities in Lakes State confirmed that a 14-year-old girl identified as Debora Ajak committed suicide by hanging on Tuesday in the Tit-Agau village of Pagarau Payam in Yirol East County.

Authorities in Lakes State confirmed that a 14-year-old girl identified as Debora Ajak committed suicide by hanging on Tuesday in the Tit-Agau village of Pagarau Payam in Yirol East County.

In an interview with Radio Tamazuj on Thursday, the commissioner of Yirol East County of Lakes State Johnson Malual Achiek said that they are yet to find out why the girl committed such a heinous act. 

“I have dispatched a police investigation team to Tit-Agau village after the body was brought to the police to go and investigate what was the cause. And up to now, I am still waiting for their report on what caused her to commit suicide,” said commissioner Malual.

According to the police spokesperson in Lakes State Major Elijah Mabor Makuac, the girl committed suicide after her parents scolded her for quarreling with his younger sibling. 

“I have just received a report that a young girl of 14 years has committed suicide and according to the report, the young girl was quarreling with her young sister and when she was advised by her parents not quarrel with her, she then decided to commit suicide by hanging herself on a rope," Makuach said. 

He said that the body of the girl was taken to the hospital for postmortem, as the police investigate further.