10km road to be constructed in Aweil Centre

A 10-kilometre road is set to be constructed in Umuora Payam of Aweil Centre County, South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, a local official has said.

A 10-kilometre road is set to be constructed in Umuora Payam of Aweil Centre County, South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, a local official has said.

The road project is funded by the office of the president.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Sunday, the Aweil Center County Commissioner, Peter Natale Okech, said preparations are underway for the construction of the Umuora road starting from January 2024.

“We have started construction of internal roads, and by the end of December, we will launch a 10km road in Umuora Payam on the west bank of the Aroyo River. The road also connects Achana Payam in Aweil West County with Aweil Centre County,’’ said Natale.

When asked about the cost of the project and the bidding process that was followed, Commissioner Natale said: “The ARC subcontracted a certain local company to build the roads in the county, which is the one to construct this road with murrum only. We don’t know how much amount has been allocated for this project because our request is to deliver service to our people.”

James Mayol, a resident of Aroyo town in Aweil Center County, explained the difficulties locals have been facing in reaching the payam. He said that the road, if constructed, will facilitate the movement of goods and people.

“The Umuora Payam is inaccessible. Even motorbikes and bicycles find it difficult to reach there, but when the road is constructed, people will be able to travel from Aroyo town to buy what they want there and vice versa,” said Mayol. 

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