1 dead in two attacks between Cueibet and Rumbek Centre

At least one SPLA soldier was killed and five other people survived in an attack carried out by unknown gunmen near the border between Cueibet and Rumbek Centre counties.

At least one SPLA soldier was killed and five other people survived in an attack carried out by unknown gunmen near the border between Cueibet and Rumbek Centre counties.

Cueibet County Commissioner Mayom Malek told Radio Tamazuj that on Monday a soldier known as Laat Yuang Lueth was shot dead while riding on a motorbike at Cuei-cok heading toward Abiru Payam in Cueibet County from Rumbek Centre

The official said he suspected the soldier was shot by youths from Rumbek Centre County. He said that he informed the state government about the incident and they asked the communities of Cueibet County not to seek revenge.

He added that another five people from Cueibet County survived a separate attack while traveling to Rumbek.

Their motorbike was stolen, however, as was the motorbike of the soldier. He suggested it was unclear whether the attackers were targeting motorbikes or people.


More than 600 sheltering in Rumbek from violence (29 Sept.)