1 dead, CRS driver wounded in attack in Duk County

One person was killed and another wounded in an attack on an NGO vehicle by unknown criminals along the Duk-Twic East road in South Sudan’s Jonglei State late last week.

One person was killed and another wounded in an attack on an NGO vehicle by unknown criminals along the Duk-Twic East road in South Sudan’s Jonglei State late last week.

Duk Commissioner Akech Deng told Radio Tamazuj that an unidentified armed group attacked a vehicle belonging to Catholic Relief Service (CRS) carrying aid to internally displaced people from Uror and Ayod Counties.

“The driver was wounded. The truck was carrying was carrying relief,” he said.

He said the incident resulted in the killing of one person and wounding of the driver. He pointed out that the local authorities are still working to identify the perpetrators. He described the attackers as enemies of the people.

Duk County accommodates a large number of Nuer IDPs who fled from conflict.