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TEREKEKA/AMADI - 26 Oct 2017

Terekaka, Amadi states welcome Kiir’s order to withdraw pastoralists

The two governors of Terekaka and Amadi states have welcomed President Kiir’s order instructing the army to ensure immediate withdrawal of pastoralists together with their cattle from five Eqautoria states and leave for their states.

Terekeka Governor Juma Ali Malu told Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday that they will soon form a committee to support President’s order to ensure that all cattle keepers who had gone to neighbouring states to return back to the state peacefully.

Meanwhile, Governor Joseph Ngere Pachiko of Amadi state welcomed the order saying the decision came as a result of several conferences between his state and Lakes states in the past months.

The order announced through the state-owned South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) on Monday evening Kiir directed the chief of defense forces of the army to ensure all pastoralists and cattle camps from Jonglei, Eastern Lakes and Terekeka states withdraw and return back to their respective states.

Kiir, according to the order, said   all the cattle camps in Jubek, Yei River, Imatong, Maridi and Amadi states must be moved with immediate effect by the army without failure.